For more than 20 years, Boston Emissions aired Sunday nights on 104.1fm. In 2009, the show relocated to 100.7fm WZLX (CBS Radio owns both WBCN and WZLX). The mission of Boston Emissions is to expose and support independent bands and artists of varying rock styles from Boston and New England.
Boston Emissions with Anngelle Wood can be heard live at 10pm on 100.7 WZLX and reairs Mondays at 7pm and Thursdays at 8pm on
Boston Emissions on FB | Boston Emissions on Twitter | Download Boston Emissions on Soundcloud
The Golden Unicorn winning submission requests:
What I play:
Pretty much everything. That is good. From Boston and New England. I play heavy stuff, I play dancey stuff, I play artsy stuff. I play lots of stuff. Send it.
I play active bands - that is bands that are regularly playing out around the city. I play classic Boston bands. I will spotlight very new and up-and-coming bands if it sounds good and I like it.
I will not play bands who are not from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont or Connecticut.
If you are but your web presence does not say that, fill me in.
How to get played:
If the audio quality and musicianship is good and I like it, I will eventually play it. I am not a fan of live recordings. It's a tough listen. Invest in a mix session.
I accept download files, wavs, MP3s, Bandcamp, Soundcloud links at bostonemissions (a) gmail (dot) com only.
Are you on twitter? I will follow you.
Please have up-to-date information on your Facebook, Blog, Bandcamp, etc. so I can learn about you and follow up. I do not use Myspace.
Attachments sent to my WBCN/WZLX emails (they are the same) will likely get deleted as they lock up my account almost immediately.
Include a few lines about your band, where you are from and all of your links. I will use this info to get in touch with you, let you know you're getting played.
Watch my playlists to know when you are played (another tidbit of advice, set google alerts to receive notification when your band is mentioned on the internet!).
Send show update emails with day, date, location, other bands on the bill with you - in time for that Sunday's show. I base a lot of my playlists on that week's upcoming shows.
Identify clean songs. Kick ass songs laced with sh!t and f$ck equal no dice. I hear a lot of awesome songs I often do not have time to edit myself. Edit your songs for radio. Your cred will remain intact.
While I am moving toward all-digital submissions, you may mail a copy of your completed CD with band one-sheet info - to include band info, where you are from, contact info and important links to:
Anngelle Wood
Boston Emissions
WZLX / CBS Radio Boston
83 Leo Birmingham Parkway
Boston, MA 02135
Want more?
Learn a little about my show and me. Send an email, say hello.
I really do not care who has played you, who has booked you, what shows you did, what contest you won, who you know, who you work with or who you are related to. It makes absolutely no difference to me. I choose what is played based on the music. You might go on and on about someone I think is a fuckstick.
THE RUMBLE: Boston Emission is home of the annual Rock 'n' Roll Rumble. Anngelle Wood chooses the 24 bands who take part. Decisions are based on a number of things.
If you'd like to be considered, you must get played on the show, be playing out regularly.
If you have not been played on Boston Emissions, you will not be invited. SEND MUSIC.
Most basic criteria includes: Be from Boston or New England. Be playing out regularly around the city and beyond. Put out new music.
Rumble on Facebook | Follow @rocknrollrumble | | Follow Boston Emissions on Facebook and Twitter.
Thank you for reading.
Here is a picture of a banana sandwich.

In a potato roll.